Ok Artists, start you inspiration engines and get cracking for these upcoming events!  There is still time to contact [email protected] if you want to hang a painting for the Imagination vs. Logic show on April 5th.  She will be at the Hyppo popsicle bar on Charlotte Street, 32084, downtown St. Augusitne and accepting artwork on April 5th from noon until 5:30 p.m.  All you have to do is reach out to her and let her know what you are up to!  We love Mel and her husband for all their efforts with promoting their new Art Supply Store “The Red Sable.”  Let’s show them as much support as possible!

There is still time to use a check or credit card cha-ching only $10 to support the St. Johns County Education Foundation with the 450th Mosaic Project.  Go ahead and register on-line.  Everyone has seen the flyers, the bookmarks, the blips in the Compass.  Deadline for submission with artwork is April 15th and remember you will have to bring your voucher to Michaels store at SR312 for their standard issue 12×12 canvas.  The artwork will be displayed at our local public libraries and the V.I.C.  The grand finale will be a combined mosaic of 450 original works.  Cool!

Get busy and put your money where your art is.  Peace and Paint… love to you.