Next Drawing Location Will Be River’s Edge Marina
Event: Sunday Morning Drawing / Painting Session Dates: Sunday, April 29th and May 6th Time:…
While we don’t have any meetups scheduled for this Sunday, we would like to call your attention to a few important art events which will be coming up over the next few weeks, starting this very evening with …
The Downtown Bazaar
Saturday, April 26th from 6pm to 10pm
On the last Saturday of every month, the Colonial Quarter at 33 St. George Street will host the Downtown Bazaar, featuring fine art, unique artisan crafts, local authors sharing their stories of local lore, live music by studio recording musicians and mystifying magic. This event is free and open to the public, so this is an excellent opportunity to see what’s behind the walls of the Colonial Quarter. In addition, vendor spaces are reasonably priced, so this may a venue worth considering if you are looking for a new place to sell your local art.
Anonymous Society of Artists and Bryan Collins Art Show at the Red Sable
Friday, May 2nd from 5pm to 9pm
As longtime friends and supporters of The Red Sable Art Supplies, we have been invited to display our artwork at their store during the next First Friday Artwalk. Come see the art we’ve been producing all of these Sundays. Also on exhibit will be the fantastic work of local artist Bryan Collins.
Romanza on Aviles
Saturday, May 10th from 9am to 8pm
Easily the finest plein air painting event in St. Augustine, the 2nd Annual Romanza on Aviles event attracts outdoor artists throughout Northeast Florida. Starting at 9am, painters will capture scenic views all along Aviles Street and then at 4:30pm, those finished pieces will be on display in Aviles Street’s shops and galleries until 8pm on Saturday and then again on Sunday. To participate, contact Georgia Nick of Georgia Nick Gallery. See photos from the 1st Annual Romanza on Aviles event on our website.