450th Commemoration Mural Project

Kickstarter 450th Commemoration Mural ProjectTo commemorate the 450th anniversary of the founding of our nation’s oldest city, St. Augustine, FL, the city and local organizations are planning projects and events to share the important role St. Augustine has played in the making of America. Our art group, the Anonymous Society of Artists, would like to participate in the celebration by producing a large-scale portable mural depicting key events in St. Augustine’s rich history as well as its many landmarks and points of interest. This mural would be painted in acrylic on three to four large hardboard panels. By making the work of art portable, we will be able to display it at multiple events around town which are still in early planning stages.

The work will be designed and painted by at least three muralists who are founding members of the Anonymous Society of Artists, and other artists who volunteer to participate in the project. Funding is needed to cover the cost of the materials for the painting surface, the backing structure required to display the mural free standing, and the painting supplies.

Please help us bring this mural to fruition by supporting our project on Kickstarter. Also, if you are a local artist and would be interested in helping us design and paint this mural, please contact us! Thank you!