October 19th, Wednesday at 6:30pm
Next Event is Dr. Sketchy at the Rooftop of the Winery: Each month the event…
Celebrate with some quiet moments for a sketch session at DOS Coffee and Wine Bar, September 8th from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m.
Heads up! Flagler College students are welcome to join us @FlaglerCollege @FlaglerGargoyle. Aren’t you looking for a cool coffee shop with Wi-Fi and lots of elbow room?
Tips for artists…
Some of you may have heard of the Oatley Academy, @ChrisOatley is a successful (professional) artist who offers tips about navigating the road less traveled.
Chris Oatley shares that three main ingredients contribute to success as an artist.
1.Drawing and painting–well. Participate with Plein Air groups/coffee shop sketch sessions.
2.Self promotion, and likability (bundle your package and proof read all your typing)
3. A collaborative network of trusted artists to provide feedback. (That’s us! We don’t bite)
See you on Sunday with some paper and a pencil, or a sharpie, or a paintbrush, or your iPad with stylus and Artrage program.