LACT: Local Artists Coming Together

2013-07-14 16.44.58Local Artists Coming Together.

Have you seen the latest article by J. Sadowski in Slate about NYC getting the dotNYC to replace dotcom/dotnet/dotorg sometime around the end of this year (2013)?  If you live in NYC then you would qualify to have the dotNYC as a domain.  Is there  a global shift happening which takes anonymity out of the internet? Where does that leave us little artists who live in little towns?  We become the change we want.  Start now.  Strive for a sense of place if you can’t claim dotSF /dotLA/dotNYC  and be proud.

That brings me to the latest trend happening in Jacksonville.  LACT and their  “Artful Evening” series, a pop-up gallery style reception.   Founded by Kyle Willis.

Location: Tapa That at 820 Lomax Street on July 14 from 5-9 p.m.

Next event pending.

Lance PartridgeWhat is it?  Local Artist Coming Together – brings artists together in a noncompetitive way to get art on the wall and out of the studio.  Check out the websites for a couple of their participants:  Amber BaileyRob Hardin and Lance Partridge.  Rob is interested in joining our group for plein air sessions.  He has donated a piece of artwork to and will be at the Shim Sham Room Party next Saturday.  Lance wants to participate in our calendar of events as posted on our groups’ Google Calendar.  Kyle would like our calenders to merge so that we have more opportunity to network and participate with scheduled events.