Anonymous Artists at ArtUNLEASHED
Jacksonville's annual artUNLEASHED event was held yesterday at the grand River Club on the 35th…
From The St. Augustine Record*Sunday, April 28,2013 page 4D
Nature Art — The St. Augustine Art Association invites artists to participate in the “4th Annual Nature & Wildlife Art Exhibition,” featured July 27th to Aug. 31, throughout the gallery at 22 Marine St.
The juried fine art contest prizes total $5,000, including a $2,000 Best in Show Award.
Artwork in any medium or style that reflects the aesthetics of nature, from plant life and landscape to the diversity of creatures in the oceans and great outdoors, is eligible.
Artist may submit up to three images to the exhibition for judging. The fee is $35 for Art Association members or $45 for non-members.
The application deadline is June 3. Artists may enter online by uploading images at, or applications may be submitted by mail.
Information: 824-2310 or to to