During the upcoming First Friday Artwalk on March 2nd, the Anonymous Society of Artists will be at Butterfield Garage Art Gallery at 5pm to unveil the poster we designed for the 2012 Celtic Music and Heritage Festival. We will be selling and signing 18″ x 24″ prints of the poster for $5.00 per copy and will also be selling $10.00 tickets for a chance to win the 24″ x 36″ original print on canvas. All of the proceeds from the poster and ticket sales will go to Romanza, who are supporting the Celtic Festival and the Anonymous Society of Artists. This event will take the place of our monthly meeting for March, so please stop by and see us!

In addition, the Anonymous Artists will be selling their own original artwork and prints at the special events field during the Celtic Festival on the weekend of March 10 and 11. Local artists who have participated in our Sunday morning drawing sessions or have joined us for our monthly meetings are welcome to show their work at our booth. If interested, please contact us for details.

For more information, visit the 2012 Celtic Music and Heritage Festival website.

This article has 1 comment

  1. StAugPhotoArt

    Great Job on the Poster!
    I wanted to let everyone know that tickets for a chance to win the Signed Original Gicle’e are also available for purchase at St. Augustine Photographic Art Gallery in the Casa Del Hidalgo on Hypolita Street. You can also Get Your Tickets online at http://www.GetYourPhotosOnCanvas.com.
    The 2012 Celtic Music and Heritage Festival Canvas Gicle’e will also be available for viewing at our Gallery and if you aren’t Lucky enough to WIN the signed original, Canvas Gicle’es will be available for sale after the festival.