Two Things to Consider

1403568773250 (2)Figure Drawing every Monday night, and a “new” product demonstration this Saturday

First, the Art Association is offering Figure Drawing every Monday from 6-9 p.m.  Please support this great opportunity by  joining artists at the Saint Augustine Art Association at 22 Marine Street.  The Art Association provides easels, so arrive a few minutes early to select your preferred easel from the side-room and to set-up your supplies.  The session starts on-time, but artists are encouraged to come in late too.  There will be a professional nude with lighting to create shadows.  For questions about Figure Drawing at The St. Augustine Art Association, call 904-824-2310.  Don’t forget to bring $10 and sign-in.   If you are going to be a few minutes late, remember that’s OK.  For more details about events at The Art Association, go to

2014-06-25 10.46.27Also, this Saturday we have a demonstration opportunity at The Red Sable, located at 107 King Street in downtown Saint Augustine.  Learn about a product called SolarFast, a dye transfer for an image onto a T-Shirt using solar power, aka sunshine.  It is safe for children’s clothing and ammonia-free.  For details go to  Demonstrations are on Saturday, June 28th from 10-2 p.m. For more product details,