Deadline Friday, today 7/12/2013
Just a kind reminder that the deadline for submission to the Art Auction Fundraiser for…
Here is a chance to donate a beautiful painting, enjoy an opportunity to taste-test a variety of heavy hors d’ouevres (delicious and filling!)., and promote yourself as an artist…
When: Saturday July 20, 2013 from 6-9 p.m.
Where: The Shim Sham Room at 333 1st Street North, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Deadline: Silent Auction donations must be given to a GREAT Board member by Friday, July 12, 2013
Guidelines: Donated items will become property of GREAT rescue and will be used to raise funds for the medical needs of rescued Golden Retrievers. Any items that do not sell will be used at future auctions hosted by GREAT Rescue. Donated items and a completed donation form (go to website, are due by Friday, July 12,2013.
Questions? Contact Janet Russac at [email protected] or call 904-529-9951
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